Sunday, September 14, 2014

New Halloween wind-ups at Walgreens

Its that magic time of year where the temperature drops and scary things invade the store shelves. This year Walgreens has rubbery jiggly windup zombies plus windup eyeballs!

The zombies looked to have 4 different styles, in a few color combinations.


Joshua Raymond said...

I love wind-up eyeballs! I'm going to have to head over to Walgreens to check them out. Plus, I hear Walgreens is starting to have a decent toy department these days.

Galaxy Ghoul said...

Yeah, Walgreens is upping their game. I ended up finding the Star Wars Black 6" Vader there a couple weeks back. I haven't seen that one aywhere else.

Deadpan Flook said...

Awesome! I love wind-up toys...especially spooky ones!

Wish we had a Walgreens in Scotland!