Tuesday, July 3, 2012

That Looks Cool: Week 4 "Lunatic" from the anime "Tiger & Bunny"

Week 4 is upon us. This week's character is "Lunatic" from the anime "Tiger and Bunny".

I actually watched the first couple of episodes of this show earlier this year on Hulu. It's a lot of fun; sort of a superhero reality show from what the first episodes set up. It's one I've been meaning to revisit. Lunatic is new to me. I assume he shows up later in the series (looks very villainous, but don't know that for sure). Love the design and had a good time drawing him.

Lunatic by me (Matt Haney)

Chris Ralston Brings It On again, Kirsten Dunst-style, with his take on Lunatic! Be sure to check out Chris other artwork and comics at http://www.r10creations.com/

If you'd like to take a crack at drawing this dude, email me your rendition at matt@grindhousecomics.com!

Matt aka DR. G

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