Sunday, October 19, 2008

Disney's Halloween Treat

This one's near and dear to my lizard heart, Disney's Halloween Treat. Aired off and on in the 80s and has some great halloween/scary themed Disney clips and shorts.


Anonymous said...

I think I very vaguely remember that--my memories start around '87 or so and that looks like the kind of thing my mom would plunk my sister and I in front of so she could get a little housework done. I'm almost positive I have a Disney Valentine special from the same era on tape somewhere (along with commercials for crazy-expensive microwaves and the theme song for "Sonny Spoon", lol).

Mark Harvey said...

I've been appreciating your blog during the Halloween season and instead of continuing my lurking status thought I would say thank you.

Season's Creepings!

Mark Harvey

Bubbashelby said...

Great stuff!

Hope you had a great Halloween.