Saturday, September 28, 2013

Halloween Walgreens windup walkers

Snagged this little guy at Walgreens on the way home from work. They had walking skeletons ans hopping eyeballs. Cute for $1.99

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday the 13th!

Hope everyone's doing their civic duty and watching some Jason movies.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beware the Cyclops Ball!

 I love this! Halloween trinkets are filtering in and that means monsters, baby!
The "Cyclops Ball"  is like the love child of a Big Daddy Roth flying eyeball and a Madball. I snagged this this morning at breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Looks like there's a horned on and a fish one (maybe a relative of that radioactive fish from the Simpsons...

Check out the eye-popping action!

Ninja Turtles "Little Golden Book"

I ran across this while grabbing some groceries, a new Little Golden Book for the new Ninja Turtles cartoon. The real kicker is its done in the same beautiful retro illustrated style that they've been using on the last few Pixar books.

The book is by Geof Smith with wonderful illustrations by Steve Lambe and probably the best 3 bucks youll spend all week.

Monday, September 2, 2013

DVD review: The Office season 9 blu ray

Its labor day monday and I'm loafing around watching tv. TV Land is showing the best of Andy Griffith and I'm alternating between that and the Office season 9 blu rays I was sent for reviewing.

I'd lost interest in The Office a few years back and have only caught it off and on until this year. I started watching it semi-regularly on Hulu this season and have been catching up on some episodes I missed with the blu ray release.

It's a decent season. Uneven, but it has its moments. The whole Jim and Pam drama was a bit too soap operay for my taste and revealing the documentary crew felt unnecessary. One of the things I've always liked about the show was the breaking the wall moments of characters looking right at you, making you a part of the proceedings. Adding the camera crew as characters pushed back that intimacy, removing that feeling that you are there and in on the jokes.

But overall, theres plenty to be entertained by and the finale is a success in wrapping up the employees arcs, giving viewers so fan moments and being touching and funny. Something The Office often did to great success.

The show looks great in HD, as one would expect from a modern
network series and the blu offers numerous extras to give fans a reason to own the season.

Special Features include: audition tapes, two hours of deleted scenes, a retrospective documentary, video of the series finale table read, bloopers, music videos and a cast panel exclusive to the blu ray release.