Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Comic Ad-O-Rama Vol 1

Saturday morning cartoon premier ads/New Cartoon series Ads.

A more traditional cartoon ad that lists the shows. Luckily there's a big, shirtless Hogan to confuse boys and girls alike.

FHE Transformers and GI Joe VHS video ads

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Where's the Bell Beefer?

For those who never experienced the Bell Beefer or those who chose to forget it, it was this simple recipe: All the crap on a Taco Bell taco, placed on a plain hamburger bun. It was delicious. For a fair portion of my childhood years, Taco Bell was sonomimus with "I want a Bell Beefer and Pintos and Cheese cup!" I don't think I ever ate anything else until Taco Bell discountinued the Beefer.

Overall, they taste pretty much like I remember them tasting. Taco Bell's tacos haven't changed much over the years, so the flavor replicates the original Bell Beefer quite nicely. Throw in the Pintos and it's 1986 all over again. They're easy to make, so I know I will try these again. If you're too lazy or on the go, some other taco chains sell similar sandwhiches. I know Taco Johns has sold Taco Burgers for many years. But, if you're going to wallow in the past, you really can't top the original flavor of a Beefer.
So, bust out the NES roms or jump to youtube and play some USA "Night Flight" clips to set the mood and chow down on some mock Bell Beefers.
Random recent toy nonsense

New Frontier serie 2, along side series 1
Scored the rest of the new DC Universe figures this weekend.
If you build it...
New Transformers the Movie figures: Lockdown, Evac and Overcast (I think those are the names...)
Finally ran across some of the new "The Batman" JLA figs and a new Joe 2-pack with Ace and Wild Weasle

Lastly a cool Mario vinyl. The classics...
Dr. G
Something Wicked This Way Fizzes

While checking out one of those new-fangled "Nostalgia Candy Shops", I stumbled across FIZZIES. FIZZIES, that space-age wonder tablet that, once added to water, creates an instant soft drink. It sounds like some real Jetsons-style shit, like food pills and a jet-car that folds up into a briefcase.

I chose "root beer" for my trial run. After I got home, carefully read the instructions and prepared myself the drink of the future: 1 tablet added to 6 oz. of cold water.
After an eternity of fizz-time, my tasty treat was ready to drink. It looked like rusty tap water, but I wasn't about to let the deter me.
The taste... HO-LEEEE Buttered DOG-ASS! Imagine pouring a half cup of flat A&W into a garbage can, letting it sit for a week in the sun, having a spider-moneky with clamidia take a pee in the can and then you add some ice and drink it. That probably still doesn't come close to how awful this was. I went back and checked the package twice to make sure I wasn't supposed to add sugar or have a priest bless it, but I had mixed it correctly.
So, FIZZIES, not the best thing I've had in my mouth. I didn't grow up with them, so I have no reference on how they used to taste. Maybe they used to be great and these new ones are crazy-messed up recipes or something. I do have to assume that the company to makes them is in fact run by the devil itself. I actually feel a little damaged by the whole affair. I'll most likely need a grief counselor of something to overcome the emotional scars left by that unholy flavor.