Sunday, December 30, 2007

Moments of Deliciousness coming to Geektarded

One of the main reasons the Geektarded blog was launched was so I would have a home for my "Moments of Deliciousness" comic book. From the get-go I had planned to send out finished work to publishers, but since creating the blog and seeing that it's getting some hits and growing a bit, I've decided to go the route of publishing the comic online.

Group shot

"Moments of Deliciousness" is a comedic anthology starring a trio of college students, Shitboy, Birch and Fat Herbert. All 3 are roommates attending good 'ole State U, home of the "Fighting Generics".

Shitboy is basically the jerkiest jerk in the world.

Birch is our hero. A geeky, fine arts major obsessed with comics, action figures and the like.

and Fat Herbert is an unstoppable force of nature; heir to the Midwest's largest fast food chain, "Burger CHUD".

It's a world where anything goes; everything from zombies, "Happy Puppy", and homeless robots, to "Corpsey the Friendly Ghoul", superheroes and "Gaping Head-Wound Baby".


Here's a colored preview page of the first strip, to give an idea of the style of the comic.

Most stories will be short and run anywhere from comic strip size to 1-3 pages; on occasion they will be comic book length.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this sneak preview. I will start labeling the posts and you will be able to access all the comics by using the "Moments of Deliciousness" or "Comic" link on the right hand side.

More to come


Christmas Round-up 2007

Christmas came and went pretty quick. I can't believe it was only 4 days ago. For some reason, it feels like weeks have passed. Maybe Christmas never "peeked" for me this year and the store are still filled with holiday items. Pretty much feels the same as it did in the weeks leading up to the big day.

But all in all, it was a nice day (screechy 3 year-olds aside). Got some swell loot from family and friends.

The awesomeness included:

1) A rice cooker

2 & 3) the holiday classics "Christmas Vacation" and "Silent Night, Deadly Night"

3) The Atari Flashback 1 and Flashback 2 (These kick serious ass)

4) Joker bobble-head

5) a Mcquarrie Darth Vader (Darth should have packed heat in the movies)

6) a Tie-Interceptor

7) Puzzle toys

8) CD full of Roms to add to my MAME arcade cabinet

9) The Office season 2

10) Spider-Man mini-lunchbox

Hope everybody had a great day. Feel free to post your 2007 loot in the comments section. I always like hearing what everyone got.


Monday, December 24, 2007

Have a merry Christmas everybody!

Hope everybody has a fantastic day; gets and gives some nice gifts; eats some good food and spends some time with family and friends.


It's Chistmas Eve...

Thought I'd post a couple of festive photos.

Ole' Green and Red, hanging out on the mantle

I try to keep the Christmas decor to one spot, mainly because the house looks like a circus 364 days of the year and you wouldn't notice it if everything was spread around. It's sort of a concentrated beam of Christmasiness. Sit next to it and bask in the swellness.

The tree. This was a nice nighttime shot, but the flash makes everything look like high noon.

More Montgomery Ward: Christmas 1985

Friday, December 21, 2007

Mongomery Ward Christmas Wishbook 1985 pt1

There's a ton of stuff to scan, so this will be spread over a couple of posts.

1985, probably the greatest year since the concept of years was created. And the year shines in the '85 Montgomery Ward Christmas Catalog.

I've said it before, these layout are marvelous. They're not just selling a toy, they're selling a lifestyle. You can eat, breath, sleep, and crap Masters of the Universe or M.A.S.K., etc. Pure heaven.

She-Ra. I admit it. I like She-Ra. I wanted the toys as a kid to go with my Masters figures (never got any, though). I watched the cartoon. I saw Secret of the Sword. I'm not ashamed, damn it! I like Jem too...

Now to butch it up a bit with some He-Man.

Poor kid's uptight mom makes him sleep on the floor so he won't mess up the new He-Man bedding.

M.A.S.K. Again, kids forced to sleep on the floor. That, or he's spending the night at a ghost-boy's house...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Wishbook Megapost...Make your wish lists

We all know Sears WISH BOOK is THE name when people think of Christmas catalogs. But, my favorite was always Montgomery Ward's. They had this spectacular way of packaging all of a toylines merchandise together in a multi page spread. Not only did you have your Masters of the Universe figures and vehicles, but every other thing He-Man's mug was plastered on as well. Here's some of my favorites from the Monkey Wart's 1983 & 1984 catalogs. I'll post some fantastic 1985 scans on Monday.