One of Jason's early, pre-drowning films, "License to Drive"
We open with the Feds finally figuring out that they should look into the 5,000 killings over the last 13 years or so. Jason is killed and revealed to be an evil spirit in the form of America's darling, the HELL-WORM, taste the excitement! Body hopping and killings ensue. There are some fun inside jokes too. You see the Necronomicon from Evil Dead, The crate from Creepshow, the Myers place is mentioned from Halloween. And Jason is dragged to hell by Freddy, or at least someone wearing his glove. Plus the movie has the lovely Erin Gray from Silver Spoons and Buck Rogers. Rarrrrrr!
Ice Cube (left) and Jason Voorhees (right) react to some fine-ass booty in the popular "Friday" series.
Overall, it's a fairly lackluster outing. Not enough Jason and I hate it when things are explained away, to make sense of Jason. Why can't he just be an unstoppable, semi-retarded zombie goalie and we leave it at that. I can buy that. The body hopping Hell-Worm idea ripped off from "The Hidden", no thanks.
Only recommended for the Friday completest. Otherwise, buy Pt 4 or 6; a couple of classics.
-Dr. G
And speaking of Jason, how many times have you been slamming Crown Royal and wished you were drinking out of a semi-retarded zombie goalie's head? Well, Wallgreens answered that call with Friday the 13th shot glasses. Pretty cool. They also had Freddy and Leatherface for you non-Vorhees fans. $3